2014년 10월 25일 토요일

week 9- refutation and concession

1. What is my thesis?
People should have critical eyes when they accept media. 

2. What is the opposite position?
It's not essential  to have critical eyes because media does not influence human decision,
3. What arguments can I anticipate?
a) People are not affected by media when they make a decision to buy something. b) People are not influenced by media that much because people know media is unrealistic and exaggerated.

4. How will I counter those arguments?
a) Although people don't realize great impact of media on their purchasing decision, people are strongly influenced by media before they are aware of it.  b) People think they don't believe media because media is unrealistic and exaggerated but characteristics of media make them believe media. 

My Refutation and Concession

Some people say that media do not affect them that much so they don't need to have critical eyes. They think media have no influence on their purchasing decisions. According to the poll from Gallup, only 5 percent of  Americans said social media has a great deal of influence on what they buy. 62 percent of people said social media had no influence on their buying decisions.  

 However, media has great influence on their purchasing decisions. They just don't realize great impact of media on them. Advertisements in print or on the internet, television tell us what services and products are good. People are easily exposed to these advertisements and seeing thousands of fascinating and persuasive advertising messages. It is natural that we make decision to buy something based on what we saw in newspaper and magazine. People tend to buy what they see on television or in the newspaper. Also, they buy good that media tell them are acceptable to society . They are truly influenced by media even though they do not notice it. So they should have critical eyes when they accept media because advertisements in media only show good points of products of services. 
 Also, some people believe they are not affected by media because they think media is too unrealistic and exaggerated to believe. However, media deceive people by repeating messages and using experts or celebrities to convey their messages. So, people are unintentionally cheated by magic of media. To avoid this, people should always accept media critically.    

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