2014년 10월 19일 일요일

Week 3 - classical argument outline

1. The introduction, which warms up the audience, establishes goodwill and rapport with the readers, and announces the general theme or thesis of the argument.
 I will capture my audience's interest by using quotation. Then I will describe the problem: People are strongly influenced by media but they don't realize it. Then I will give examples of daily life that prove this problem. Then I will shift attention to why I describe this problem. It is because people are not aware of media's strong influence. I will end with the statement, "People should accept media critically"

2. The narration, which summarizes relevant background material, provides any information the audience needs to know about the environment and circumstances that produce the argument, and set up the stakes-what’s at risk in this question. In academic writing, this often takes the form of a literature review.

 First, I will show the graph I found. The graph is about the increasing importance of social media. With this graph, I will prove how important media is to people's behavior. Then I will show the study conducted by psychologist solomon Eliot Asch. I will relate this study with influence of media. Then I will give my argument, "That's why people should have critical eyes when they accept media."

3. The confirmation,which lays out in a logical order (usually strongest to weakest or most obvious to most subtle) the claims that support the thesis, providing evidence for each claim.

 I will start by suggesting information from the media is not always correct. Then I will give the reasons that I found. First, people tend to believe contents of information even though they are not true because of repetition of media. Second, people tend to believe media even though they are not true because the information is provided by experts or celebrities. Then, I will describe the danger of media. Media can make people loose their own culture. I will give the example of Fiji women. Then, I will describe the exaggeration of the media with specific example.  

4. The refutation and concession, which looks at opposing viewpoints to the writer’s claims, anticipating objections from the audience, and allowing as much of the opposing viewpoints as possible without weakening the thesis.
 I will give example of influence of media on marketing. Although advertisements in media have great impact on people to make them buy the product, a clear majority of Americans say social media have no effect at all their purchasing decisions(show graph). I will refute this common belief by showing advertising expenditures of Canada. 

5. The summation, which provides a strong conclusion, amplifying the force of the argument,  and showing the readers that this solution is the best at meeting the circumstances.

I will restate my previous points to remind my readers what's at stake. Then I will show what will happen if readers accept media uncritically: you will become a slave of media. Finally, I will end with giving my argument, "You should have critical eyes when you accept media"

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