2014년 10월 19일 일요일

Week 3 - Articulation

1) My argument 

  I want to argue that people should have critical eyes when they accept media. Nowadays, there are a lot of information and advertisements come from social media. We are exposed to these information and advertisements all the times because they are everywhere. So we tend to accept media thoughtlessly. However, all the contents of media are not always true. They can be exaggeration or misinformation. So, if we do not have critical eyes, we could encounter confusion and difficulties. 

2) How I found my argument 

 My first research question was, why people are easily influenced by media?. Whenever I watch television, I realize that I am easily affected by advertisements and information. In the absence of critical attitude toward media, we can be submissive to media. So, I want to argue that people should have critical eyes on media.  While researching, I found how media affect people. In the research(How The Media Influence Our Decisions), people believe information from social media because messages are repeated and repeated again. Repeated exposure over time to similar messages can make it easy for people to accept them as true messages, even when they know they are false. I think this research helped to support my argument because it make people think that they should not accept the information from media thoughtlessly.  

3) New research questions 

a)  Is there any research proves that people are easily influenced by media? 
b)  Is there any example that show person who has problem because he or she accept media uncritically? 
          I'm going to find appropriate examples that can support my argument!!!

4) Connections to the Harvard Sampler 

  This argument has connections to the Harvard Sampler. It is related to the human mind. When we watch media and accept the information, we use our brain. We can't accept messages of the media in the absence of brain. It is brain's work that processes all the information from the media. However, brain is not completely perfect. Therefore,  it can sometimes accept false messages as true messages. 

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