2014년 10월 23일 목요일

research 5


-Bias in the media

My Topic:

People have to accept media critically.

What I hope to learn from this source:

 I want to learn not all the information covered by media is correct. Information may contain bias of reporters.  



1. Bias by omission: Leaving only one side out of an article and ignoring facts that can disprove certain claims. 

2. Bias by selection of sources:  Including more sources that can support one view over another view.   

3. Bias by placement: Placing the article that supports one view in the head of newspaper.  

Final Thoughts:

 From this research, I can recognize that there are many biases made by reporter in the media. Reporters tend to make people believe what they believe. So, information covered by these reporter can be changed or incorrect. Therefore, people should have critical eyes when they accept information in the media.  

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