2014년 10월 25일 토요일

week 6 -The Introduction

 "The media is the most powerful entity on the earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." Malcolm X said this. In this quotation, we can realize that media have profound impact on human society. In daily life, we usually say "In the television he said that....","I bought this because the advertisement is so fascinating." Media is nearly unavoidable in today's society. However, people don't realize great impact of media to them. They thoughtlessly accept information come from media. It is big problem because in media, there are many incorrect information and exaggerated advertisement. People easily believe media because they think information come from media is credible and they are mostly conventional wisdom. Therefore, people should have critical eyes when they accept media.  

1. Attention grabber -
 I attracted the audience by using quotation and describing a familiar situation to them, conversation that we commonly have. Then I pointed out how much media influence our lives.

2. Explains the topic -
 Because impact of media is so prevalent in today's society, people don't realize that they are influenced by media. It is big problem because in media, there are many incorrect information and exaggerated advertisement. People easily believe media because they think information come from media is credible and they are mostly conventional wisdom.

3. My thesis -
 My thesis is, "People should accept media critically"

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