2014년 10월 23일 목요일

research 4


-Misleading / Deceiving Media

My Topic:

People have to accept media critically.

What I hope to learn from this source:

 I hope to find the example of exaggerated dramatization of media. Also, I want to find the fact that media tend to idealize or exaggerate something to grab people's attention. 



1.  Choudry is convinced that the media often deceives its consumer by dramatization.

2.  People who provide contents of media tend to do what will benefit them and they do that by grabbing people's attention through a “wow” factor.

3. Example of wrong Wow factor

Final Thoughts:

 Media tend to exaggerate and dramatize coverage or advertisement to grab people's attention. The most important thing for media is that a lot of people watching media. Therefore, they make more sensational contents by using  exaggerated and false information.   

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