2014년 10월 22일 수요일

research 2



__-Television, disordered eating, and young women in Fiji(Look inside)
-The influence of media marketing on adolescent girls

My Topic:

People have to accept media critically. 

What I hope to learn from this source:

 I hope to learn the example that shows the problem caused by uncritical acceptance of media.    


1. Impact of the introduction of television on Fijian adolescent girls

2. Women in Fiji accepted American drama uncritically. The American drama changed the values of Fiji women.  They traditionally thought that chubby woman is beautiful. However, after introducing American drama, they preferred thin western body type and started to think themselves as fat. This showed that women in Fiji lost their own culture because of uncritical attitude toward the media. 

3. Media’s Effect on Body Image

Final Thoughts:

This example shows that uncritical acceptance of media causes collapse of tradition and brings wrong result. Therefore, people should have critical and active attitude when they accept media. 

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