2014년 11월 15일 토요일

second draft

 "The media is the most powerful entity on the earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." Malcolm X said this. In this quotation, we can realize that media have profound impact on human society. In daily life, we usually say "In the television he said that....","I bought this because the advertisement is so fascinating." Media is nearly unavoidable in today's society. However, people don't realize the great impact of media to them. They thoughtlessly accept information comes from media. It is a big problem because in media, there are many incorrect information and exaggerated advertisement. People easily believe media because they think the information come from media is credible and they are mostly conventional wisdom. However, this way of thinking is incorrect. We should not accept media thoughtlessly. Information come from media can be harmful because usually it contains exaggerated and sensational contents. Therefore, we should critically accept media by setting one's own criterion.  

  Media's influence on human is increasing. I can prove it by using the graph below.  


  The advertising expenditures of Canada increase from 1995 to 2002. This means that advertisement have great impact on people to make them buy the product. Because the company will not spend millions of dollars per year on advertising if it doesn't work. It shows how much people are influenced by media when they make a decision(such as purchasing decision). However, people don't realize that they are strongly manipulated by media. This research proves people's unawareness of influence of media on human. 

  This is a big problem. Because of unawareness of media's great influence on human, people easily accept incorrect information and follow majority's opinion made by media. Opinion made by media can't be always true. In 1951, Solomon Eliot Asch conducted one study. The study showed that about one third of the participants conformed to the opinion of majority with no pressure to conform. Also, 75% of the participants gave an incorrect answer to at least one question, often matching the incorrect response of the majority. This phenomenon can also happen when people accept media. People tend to accept media easily because they think opinion comes from media is majority's opinion. This can be a big problem. To solve this problem,  we should accept media critically. To support my argument, I will give some evidences that prove media's problem.

  First, there are much incorrect information in media. However, people easily believe that incorrect contents because of characteristics of media. Information in media are usually provided by experts or celebrities. So,  it looks credible seemingly. But, have you met them and had a conversation? How do you know they are trustworthy? Why should you believe anything they say? Information provided by them can be also incorrect. Also, media repeats and repeats the information. Although people already know the messages are not true, repeated exposure over time to similar messages can make it easy for people to accept the messages as true. According to the research, media in the US and most European countries usually contain 25 percent truths and 75 percent distorted lies and information. People need to aware of how the media deceive people by using "magic tricks." It also happens in advertisement. In order to make the consumer  buy product, company uses famous entertainers or experts for making advertisement. This advertisement can attract people to buy the product. However, you should keep in mind that they are not always trustworthy.   
  Second, person who is lacking of judgement(especially child) easily becomes seduced by the advertising product.  For example, in the US, the average child watches estimated 16,000 television commercials a year. And US children are most fanatical consumers of advertising. So, the effect of advertisement on children is serious concern for parents. Children press their parents to buy all the products they watch on television. However, we can't buy all the products that we watch. Therefore, parents should teach their children about critical analysis of advertisement. 

  Third, there are many exaggerations in the media. Contents of media are usually exaggerated in order to grab people's attention because people tend to respond to sensational things. Also, there are many exaggerated advertisements that attract people to buy the product. Choudry is convinced that the media often misleads its consumers by using dramatization. Media's main purpose is to quickly grab people's attention. Choudry said "Even though misleading and melodramatic way of presenting data hurt the consumer, they want to do what will benefit them. I will give a example of exaggerated data presenting. In 2007 the "Independent newspaper printed a front- page headline starting that the illegal drug cannabis had increased in strength by 25 times over the previous 10 years. However, the laboratory of Government Chemist and the Forensic Science Service publish data. The data shows that the proportion of active ingredient had increased from 6% to 12% over ten years. That's not 25 times higher, only two times. From this example, we can recognize the exaggeration of media.
 These three evidences prove how dangerous media is. So we should have critical eyes when we accept media.
  Some people say that media do not affect them that much so they don't need to have critical eyes. They think media have no influence on their purchasing decisions. According to the poll from Gallup, only 5 percent of  Americans said social media has a great deal of influence on what they buy. 62 percent of people said social media had no influence on their buying decisions.  

  However, media has great influence on their purchasing decisions. They just don't realize great impact of media on them. Advertisements in print or on the internet, television tell us what services and products are good. People are easily exposed to these advertisements and seeing thousands of fascinating and persuasive advertising messages. It is natural that we make a decision to buy something based on what we saw in newspaper and magazine. People tend to buy what they see on television or in the newspaper. Also, they buy goods that media tell them are acceptable to society . They are truly influenced by media even though they do not notice it. So they should have critical eyes when they accept media because advertisements in media only show good points of products or services.
   Also, some people believe they are not affected by media because they think media is too unrealistic and exaggerated to believe. However, media deceive people by repeating messages and using experts or celebrities to convey their messages. So, people are unintentionally cheated by magic of media. To avoid this, people should always accept media critically.

  To conclude, people should have critical eyes when they accept media. Media has a great impact on human behavior and decision. Media is unavoidable in today's society.  However, a true object of media turned into a way of getting money. People who make contents of media started to make sensational and exaggerated contents in order to grab people's attention effectively. So, exaggerated and wrong contents often deceive people by making them believe incorrect information. This problem is very significant because it can cause social chaos. To solve this problem, we should have critical eyes toward media. Then, what does having critical eyes mean? It means that we should do critical analysis all the time we watch  media. We should always consider exaggeration of media. Critical eyes are filter of exaggerated contents that makes us avoid wrong information.  If we have critical eyes, we will not be deceived by exaggerated advertisements or wrong information. Unless you want to be a slave of media, you should accept media critically.    


  • http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/advertising-to-children-tricky-business-subway
  • http://www.decision-making-confidence.com/media-influence-our-decisions.html
  • http://negativemedia1.blogspot.kr/

2014년 10월 30일 목요일

Self Evaluation

1) What score do you think you deserve?
 I think I deserve 1 point. I include 5 elements of classical argument but I need more research that can strongly support my argument.

 2) What did you do well?
I think I used visual resources effectively. Graphs I showed can help readers understanding.

 3) What could you have done better?
 I could have used more researches that I found to support my argument. I missed a lot of meaningful researches.

 4) Which part of the classical argument did you use the best?
 I think my narration can help people to get background knowledge that is useful for people to understand my argument.

 5) Which part of the classical argument did you use the most poorly?
My refutation is very weak. It was hard to find opponent’s argument. I think my refutation is unrelated to my argument.

 6) What's your strategy to make your second draft better?
 I think I need to find opponent’s idea. It is the best way to improve my refutation. I have a lot of research for confirmation. So, what I need to do for my confirmation is organizing all the researches and making them strong support of my argument.

2014년 10월 26일 일요일

First draft

First draft

 "The media is the most powerful entity on the earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." Malcolm X said this. In this quotation, we can realize that media have profound impact on human society. In daily life, we usually say "In the television he said that....","I bought this because the advertisement is so fascinating." Media is nearly unavoidable in today's society. However, people don't realize great impact of media to them. They thoughtlessly accept information come from media. It is big problem because in media, there are many incorrect information and exaggerated advertisement. People easily believe media because they think information come from media is credible and they are mostly conventional wisdom. Therefore, people should have critical eyes when they accept media.  

  Media's influence on human is increasing. I can prove it by using the graph above. 


  The advertising expenditures of Canada increase from 1995 to 2002. This means that advertisement have great impact on people to make them buy the product. Because the company will not spend millions of dollars per year on advertising if it doesn't work. It shows how much people are influenced by media when they make a decision(such as purchasing decision). However, people don't realize that they are strongly manipulated by media. This research proves people's unawareness of influence of media on human. 

  This is big problem. Because of unawareness of media's great influence on human, people easily accept incorrect information and follow majority's opinion made by media. Opinion made by media can't be always true. In 1951, Solomon Eliot Asch conducted one study. The study showed that about one third of the participants conformed to the opinion of majority with no pressure to conform. Also, 75% of the participants gave an incorrect answer to at least one question, often matching the incorrect response of the majority. This phenomenon can also happen when people accept media. People tend to accept media easily because they think opinion comes from media is majority's opinion. This can be big problem. So we should have critical eyes when we accept media.     To support my argument, I will give some evidences that prove media's problem.

  First, there are many incorrect information in media. However, people easily believe that incorrect contents because of characteristics of media. Information in media are usually provided by experts or celebrities. So,  it looks credible seemingly. But, have you met them and had a conversation? How do you know they are trustworthy? Why should you believe anything they say? Information provided by them can also incorrect. Also, media repeat and repeat the information. Although people already know the messages are not true, repeated exposure over time to similar messages can make it easy for people to accept the messages as true. According to the research, media in the US and most European countries usually contain 25 percent truths and 75 percent distorted lies and information. People need to aware of how the media deceive people by using "magic tricks."
  Second, uncritical acceptance of media causes collapse of tradition. I will show you one example. The American drama changed the traditional values of Fiji women because they accepted American drama uncritically. Traditionally, Fiji women thought that chubby woman is beautiful. However, after introducing American drama, they preferred thin western body type and started to think themselves as fat. Because the popular media has increasingly showed thinner and thinner body as ideal women. Consequently, women in Fiji lost their own culture because of uncritical attitude toward the media. People should accept media critically if they don't want to loose their own tradition.

  Third, there are many exaggerations in the media. Contents of media are usually exaggerated in order to grab people's attention because people tend to respond to sensational things. Also, there are many exaggerated advertisements that attract people to buy the product. Choudry is convinced that the media often misleads its consumers by using dramatization. Media's main purpose is to quickly grab people's attention. Choudry said "Even though misleading and melodramatic way of presenting data hurt the consumer, they want to do what will benefit them. I will give example of exaggerated data presenting. In 2007 the "Independent newspaper printed a front page headline starting that the illegal drug cannabis had increased in strength by 25 times over the previous 10 years. However, the laboratory of Government Chemist and the Forensic Science Service publish data. The data shows that the proportion of active ingredient had increased from 6% to 12% over 10 years. That's not 25 times higher, only two times. From this example, we can recognize the exaggeration of media.
 These three evidence prove how dangerous media is. So we should have critical eyes when we accept media.
  Some people say that media do not affect them that much so they don't need to have critical eyes. They think media have no influence on their purchasing decisions. According to the poll from Gallup, only 5 percent of  Americans said social media has a great deal of influence on what they buy. 62 percent of people said social media had no influence on their buying decisions.  

  However, media has great influence on their purchasing decisions. They just don't realize great impact of media on them. Advertisements in print or on the internet, television tell us what services and products are good. People are easily exposed to these advertisements and seeing thousands of fascinating and persuasive advertising messages. It is natural that we make decision to buy something based on what we saw in newspaper and magazine. People tend to buy what they see on television or in the newspaper. Also, they buy good that media tell them are acceptable to society . They are truly influenced by media even though they do not notice it. So they should have critical eyes when they accept media because advertisements in media only show good points of products of services.
   Also, some people believe they are not affected by media because they think media is too unrealistic and exaggerated to believe. However, media deceive people by repeating messages and using experts or celebrities to convey their messages. So, people are unintentionally cheated by magic of media. To avoid this, people should always accept media critically.  
  To conclude, people should have critical eyes when they accept media has great impact on human behavior and decision.Media is unavoidable in today's society.  However, true object of media turned into a way of getting money. People make contents of media started to make sensational and exaggerated contents in order to grab people's attention effectively. So, exaggerated and wrong contents often deceive people by making them believe incorrect information. This problem is very significant because it can cause social chaos. To solve this problem, we should have critical eyes toward media. If we accept media critically, we can not be deceived by exaggerated advertisements or wrong information. Unless you want to be a slave of media, you should accept media critically.    

2014년 10월 25일 토요일

week 10 - conclusion

My Conclusion1

 To conclude, people should have critical eyes when they accept media because people can be easily influenced by media. Media is unavoidable in today's society.  However, true object of media turned into a way of getting money. People make contents of media started to make sensational and exaggerated wrong contents in order to grab people's attention effectively. So, exaggerated and wrong contents often deceive people by making them believe incorrect information. This problem is very significant because it can cause social chaos. To solve this problem, we should have critical eyes toward media. If we accept media critically, we can not be deceived by exaggerated advertisements or wrong information. You don't want to be a slave of media? 

My conclusion2

 To conclude, people should have critical eyes when they accept media has great impact on human behavior and decision.Media is unavoidable in today's society.  However, true object of media turned into a way of getting money. People make contents of media started to make sensational and exaggerated contents in order to grab people's attention effectively. So, exaggerated and wrong contents often deceive people by making them believe incorrect information. This problem is very significant because it can cause social chaos. To solve this problem, we should have critical eyes toward media. If we accept media critically, we can not be deceived by exaggerated advertisements or wrong information. Unless you want to be a slave of media, you should accept media critically.    

week 9- refutation and concession

1. What is my thesis?
People should have critical eyes when they accept media. 

2. What is the opposite position?
It's not essential  to have critical eyes because media does not influence human decision,
3. What arguments can I anticipate?
a) People are not affected by media when they make a decision to buy something. b) People are not influenced by media that much because people know media is unrealistic and exaggerated.

4. How will I counter those arguments?
a) Although people don't realize great impact of media on their purchasing decision, people are strongly influenced by media before they are aware of it.  b) People think they don't believe media because media is unrealistic and exaggerated but characteristics of media make them believe media. 

My Refutation and Concession

Some people say that media do not affect them that much so they don't need to have critical eyes. They think media have no influence on their purchasing decisions. According to the poll from Gallup, only 5 percent of  Americans said social media has a great deal of influence on what they buy. 62 percent of people said social media had no influence on their buying decisions.  

 However, media has great influence on their purchasing decisions. They just don't realize great impact of media on them. Advertisements in print or on the internet, television tell us what services and products are good. People are easily exposed to these advertisements and seeing thousands of fascinating and persuasive advertising messages. It is natural that we make decision to buy something based on what we saw in newspaper and magazine. People tend to buy what they see on television or in the newspaper. Also, they buy good that media tell them are acceptable to society . They are truly influenced by media even though they do not notice it. So they should have critical eyes when they accept media because advertisements in media only show good points of products of services. 
 Also, some people believe they are not affected by media because they think media is too unrealistic and exaggerated to believe. However, media deceive people by repeating messages and using experts or celebrities to convey their messages. So, people are unintentionally cheated by magic of media. To avoid this, people should always accept media critically.    

week 8- The confirmation

1. What is my thesis?
People should have critical eyes when they accept media.

2. What types of source am I using to defend my thesis? 
I am using expert opinions, an example about Fiji women. 

3. Are my arguments mostly based on evidence, logic or emotion?
The evidences of my argument can be found in daily life. So I think it can be logical. Also, I have great example of negative influence of media.  

My Confirmation

To support my argument, I will give some evidences that prove media's problem.

First, there are many incorrect information in media. However, people easily believe that incorrect contents because of characteristics of media. Information in media are usually provided by experts or celebrities. So,  it looks credible seemingly. But, have you met them and had a conversation? How do you know they are trustworthy? Why should you believe anything they say? Information provided by them can also incorrect. Also, media repeat and repeat the information. Although people already know the messages are not true, repeated exposure over time to similar messages can make it easy for people to accept the messages as true. According to the research, media in the US and most European countries usually contain 25 percent truths and 75 percent distorted lies and information. People need to aware of how the media deceive people by using "magic tricks."

Second, uncritical acceptance of media causes collapse of tradition. I will show you one example. The American drama changed the traditional values of Fiji women because they accepted American drama uncritically. Traditionally, Fiji women thought that chubby woman is beautiful. However, after introducing American drama, they preferred thin western body type and started to think themselves as fat. Because the popular media has increasingly showed thinner and thinner body as ideal women. Consequently, women in Fiji lost their own culture because of uncritical attitude toward the media. People should accept media critically if they don't want to loose their own tradition.

Third, there are many exaggerations in the media. Contents of media are usually exaggerated in order to grab people's attention because people tend to respond to sensational things. Also, there are many exaggerated advertisements that attract people to buy the product. Choudry is convinced that the media often misleads its consumers by using dramatization. Media's main purpose is to quickly grab people's attention. Choudry said "Even though misleading and melodramatic way of presenting data hurt the consumer, they want to do what will benefit them. I will give example of exaggerated data presenting. In 2007 the "Independent newspaper printed a front page headline starting that the illegal drug cannabis had increased in strength by 25 times over the previous 10 years. However, the laboratory of Government Chemist and the Forensic Science Service publish data. The data shows that the proportion of active ingredient had increased from 6% to 12% over 10 years. That's not 25 times higher, only two times. From this example, we can recognize the exaggeration of media.

 These three evidence prove how dangerous media is. So we should have critical eyes when we accept media.

week 7 -The narration

My persuasive argument thesis is:  People should accept media critically. 

1. What do people already know about my topic?

 Many people already know that media is very beneficial. It's how we stay informed with what is going on in our society. They also know that media have great influence on people's behavior and their decisions. 

2. What research has already been done about my topic?

-Media's great influence on human 
-misleading, deceiving media, bias in media

3. What are the implications of my argument (What if I'm right? What if I'm right and people ignore me?)

People should have more critical eyes when they accept media. Although people know media have great impact on their behavior and decision, they are easily affected by media because of media's characteristics. Media make people believe something and make them to decide something. So If people don't accept media critically, they can be slaves of media. 

My Narration

  Media's influence on human is increasing. I can prove it by using the graph above. 

The advertising expenditures of Canada increase from 1995 to 2002. This means that advertisement have great impact on people to make them buy the product. Because the company will not spend millions of dollars per year on advertising if it doesn't work. It shows how much people are influenced by media when they make a decision(such as purchasing decision). However, people don't realize that they are strongly manipulated by media. This research proves people's unawareness of influence of media on human. 

This is big problem. Because of unawareness of media's great influence on human, people easily accept incorrect information and follow majority's opinion made by media. Opinion made by media can't be always true. In 1951, Solomon Eliot Asch conducted one study. The study showed that about one third of the participants conformed to the opinion of majority with no pressure to conform. Also, 75% of the participants gave an incorrect answer to at least one question, often matching the incorrect response of the majority. This phenomenon can also happen when people accept media. People tend to accept media easily because they think opinion comes from media is majority's opinion. This can be big problem. So we should have critical eyes when we accept media.