2014년 9월 25일 목요일

Week 2 - Research proposal

Research proposal


1. What is my current topic?

  Last semester, I attended a seminar. The subject of the seminar was power and responsibility of the media. While researching, I began to wonder. ‘Is it true that people are affected by social media?’ ‘If it is true, how media affects human mind or behavior. To solve this curiosity, I choose my topic about the influences of media on human.


2,What are my guiding questions?

-Are Human really affected by social media?
-What are specific effects of media on human?
-Which media is the most powerful?
-Examples of media's influence on human.
-Why people are easily influenced by media?

3. What are my current thoughts?

 Actually, I already think that media have great influence on human mind and behavior. However, I can't tell why people are sensitive to media and easily influenced by media. I guess it is because media is easily accesible in everywhere. Also, it is because people have strong reliability on mess media. Due to these characteristics , media has both merit and demerit. Demerit is that people can become submissive to media. Therefore, I want to persuade that we should have critical eyes on accepting mess media because we can easily influenced by it.

 4.What is the opposition?

  In one research consumers in the United states respond like this. 62% consumers think that media have no influence on marketing.


However, I think this is incorrect common belief. Media implicitly manipulate consumers' purchasing choices. People are just oblivious of media's powerful influence.  

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